Saturday, September 30, 2006

Blog review part 3

Well, I had this post nearly finished and then my browser decided to shut down. So I lost all that I had written. So here we go again. Here's the skinny. NewsBusters seems to have a fascination with Rosie O'Donnell and the show "The View". They tend to post more on her than most other things. Anywho, this time she did a show about the memory preserving effects that red wine has. In the process she joked about Mel Gibson (who deserves it) and talked about drunken priests and silly Eucharistic rules. This comes just two weeks after her show in which she labeled radical Christians just as dangerous as Islamic terrorists. The Catholic League is not too happy about this. I just like the photo (taken from footage) that NewsBusters used (above). That's all I have to say about that.
They also talked much about the war. There are posts that basically say that anti-war statements are working their way into every show they can, even Survivor. What I found interesting was the interview on Fox News with anchor Shepard Smith and contributor William Kristol. Basically, Shepard, a well know conservative, posed an anti-Administration debate with the high-profile conservative, Kristol. The funny thing is that this clip is being presented on Crooks and Liars, a very leftist blog. NewsBusters finds this "fascinating". I think is was just a cunning strategy by Shepard to stir things up on the show. See for yourself, here.
PRESSthink has more to say about the project They are happy to have the donation from Reuters; and they think that finding an editor will be fun. They are unsure if the "gift economy" of such a site will prevail. It is a new idea that has high hopes of being funded by donations and contributions. Finally, they hope to draw "smart crowds" to make this project possible. It is a collaboration medium that depends on the people to succeed. Personally, I think this could work. I am just anticipating the start date, which isn't until April. I will have to follow this site after class so that I can see what happens. I might even participate. It could be fun.
The Online Journalism Blog talks more about this contributor's journalism subject and the future of newspaper. Bradshaw basically just states some of the people that are involved with this new kind of journalism, pro-am. He mentioned comment is free and Guardian, which I have seen in Jay Rosen's PRESSthink; but there was no mention of Rosen himself. I thought this was strange since he founded the new project I'm sure there's link to Rosen somewhere within these people and links however. The future of newspaper is this: smaller and fewer pages, shorter stories and lots more digital sources. The citizen journalism, or pro-am, is going to take off. Virtual options will take off. Newspapers will be online with endless possibilities. The core product will be customized and on demand. There will probably be package options that will let you read what you want, when you want. It may even come down to pay-per-click. But this is all stuff that we Media Convergence students already knew. We very well might be the generation that takes this new genre to a whole new level. Until next time...

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